Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shielding our children from the atheistic belief

It is no secret that atheists (people that do not believe in the existence of God) have grown in number in the recent years. More and more atheists are becoming very brave in declaring in public their unfounded belief just so they can convince others to likewise deny God’s existence. What seem to be “harmless” movies for children (e.g., Land Before Time), unknown to their parents, so masterfully disguise a strong suggestion to children that “probably, there is no God that made this world.” Centers for learning have included subjects and courses that clearly attempt to convince young minds that the Bible’s Creation account is just a product of creative thinking.

This is so dangerous, especially to our children! Our desire is that we be able to lead our children to Christ. All of you who are faithful in sharing the Gospel know that this is already so difficult, even if the person you are witnessing to believes in God’s existence. If our children grow up not believing that God does exist, the work will be doubled… you have to first convince them that their belief is wrong before you can start showing their state before a just and holy God and their need for His forgiveness. And so, how do we shield our children from the atheist belief?

The work should start at our homes. Is God a prominent figure in our homes? He should because if not, unknowingly, we are helping our children grow to be atheists. Our children should see us recognizing God as the source of everything that we have. Be sure that you show them that you entrust the whole day to God at the start of the day. Be sure that you give God a prayer of “thanks” before every meal. Be sure that your children see you praising God for His guidance throughout the day before you retire to your bed.

It is also obvious that we should screen what our children watch in the television and what they read in children’s books. To be safe, just give them books that talk of stories from the Bible. There are a lot of those in bookstores. There is also an array of animated movies of Bible stories available in Christian bookstores and online (go to Of course, don’t forget to bring them to church every Sunday and have them attend Sunday school classes.

Very crucial to the goal of shielding our children from the atheistic view is our choice of the school they go to. Most schools in the Philippines do not really screen if their science books suggest that evolution is a fact. Because of this, I strongly suggest that you enroll your children in Christian schools. But still, don’t be too sure that your child is already safe just because you’ve enrolled them in a Christian school. Make a request to see the books (especially the science text books) your child will be using just in case the school overlooked atheistic suggestions in their books.

I praise the Lord very much because Living Waters Asia has an affiliation with Children For Christ Ministry (CFCM). They are a group that goes to public schools here in the Bulacan area distributing Christian literatures for children and conduct short classes that talk about God. I believe that this group has such a big role in leading these children to Christ. Maybe not all of the children respond right away to the call for them to get right with God from the classes CFCM conducts and the literature they give out. But the mere fact that they have introduced God’s existence early in these children lives makes it easier for some Christian in the future to preach the Gospel to them. (If you want to support CFCM, email them at

Satan is really busy in deceiving as many people as he can for he knows pretty well that his time is almost up. He is merciless as he wants even our children to be with him in Hell someday. Let us not allow it. Let’s be sure that God is as real as possible to our children so that when we show them that they are not fit to be with Him in Heaven someday because of their sins, they will readily respond to the Gospel with true repentance and faith on Jesus Christ.

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