It's so sad how the present age has commercialized Christmas. It's now all about gifts and having fun during the holidays. The glorious event where God miraculously sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, into the world through a virgin so that He can save man from his sure punishment in Hell has been downgraded to "chestnuts roasting on an open fire; Jackfrost nipping at your nose", and about "a white Christmas". Definitely, Satan had something to do with this. And you have to hand it to him. He did a great job. Imagine, an event that's suppose to crush the hearts of sinners, with Satan's devises, have made them so comfortable with it. Watch TV broadcasts of public Christmas celebrations and you see people without any Christian affiliations joining, and even leading these Christmas events. Popular music icons and movie stars that encourage hate and immorality are present. Porn stars take a significant part of the celebrations. Corrupt politicians and businessmen fund these Christmas events. Even atheists are joining these celebrations. Why are these people so comfortable in these Christmas events? Simply because Christ is not anymore the central figure of the season. All they know is that "'tis the season to be jolly".
People have become so self-centered when it comes to Christmas. All they care about is the gifts they expect to receive and the fun they'll have during the holidays. They've forgotten that Christmas day is the start of the show of the greatest selfless act ever known in history. Yes, the angels sang when Jesus was born, but only because they knew that it was through Jesus that the Father will finally be able to achieve justice for all of the offenses we have made against His Laws. The star that pointed the Three Wise Men to the newly born Saviour thirty-three years after was replaced by the cross that declared "Justice has been served". Christmas day opened the door of opportunity for the Father to unleash all of His anger on sin as carried by Jesus, His one and only Son. Yes, it pleased the Father to bruise Jesus thirty-three years after (Isaiah 53:10). Christmas had a sad part with it... the suffering that Jesus went through for us. So why are people very preoccupied about receiving gifts on Christmas day when the focus should be surrendering our lives to God on this glorious day, right?
The modern Gospel message is also, again, a culprit why man has forgotten the reason for Christmas. Modern-day preachers have focused on the love that God has for mankind when He sent his only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). They've intentionally failed to discuss that it was because of God's need for justice that He sent Jesus into this world. They've left out the part about our sins that made God sacrifice Jesus (His love) so that we won't go to Hell. Preachers today are not anymore shouting "Repentance". Instead, they are telling people "God loves you, just as you are". This is totally untrue for we will only be qualified to receive God's love (Jesus' sacrifice) if we will be willing to turn away from our sins. Any message that does not bring with it a heavy emphasis on the need to repent from the sins we so love to indulge in is NOT the true Gospel message.
As Christians, we should treat this season as a great opportunity to share the real reason for Christmas. We should make it our goal to stop man from forgetting the true message of Christmas. They're all out there, making last minute Christmas shopping. Meet them in the malls and give them Gospel tracts, or better yet, engage them in a short conversation for you to share to them the Gospel. My wife and I recently did this at a nearby mall that just opened in our town. We were so surprised that because of the many people that trooped the mall for Christmas shopping, our three bundles of Gospel tracts were easily distributed within ten minutes. Instead of using up all of your Christmas bonuses on buying material things, why not set aside a portion to buy good Gospel tracts to be inserted inside Christmas cards you will be sending to people (we have lots of them at our online store). You can also organize a group and pay for the expenses of bringing them to a busy place (like malls, parks, bazzars, etc.) to share the Gospel to people roaming around the place. It is only through this that we can make people honor the life-changing message of Christmas.
To all of you, our friends and supporters, we wish you the most meaningful Christmas of all and may we continue to be God's ambassadors of His glorious Gospel!
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